Page 837 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 837
A 92 | Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 2
(` per unit of foreign currency) Thailand baht rupee (13) (12) 1.872 0.632 1.908 0.641 1.953 0.604 2.164 0.548 2.291 0.462 2.337 0.465 2.359 0.473 2.431 0.459 2.388 0.450 2.393 0.446 2.343 0.444 2.352 0.453 2.438 0.467
(Contd......) SDR (14) 91.345 92.616 90.899 98.036 97.627 103.866 103.166 104.450 104.437 105.428 103.782 103.913 105.543
Korean Pakistan won (11) 0.057 0.058 0.058 0.063 0.060 0.062 0.062 0.063 0.063 0.063 0.062 0.064 0.067
Table 6.4. Exchange Rate of Rupee vis-a-vis Selected Currencies of the World
Mexican peso (10) 3.944 3.489 3.483 3.617 3.652 3.157 3.226 3.394 3.350 3.367 3.395 3.455 3.640
Brazillian real (9) 18.378 20.382 20.037 18.490 17.264 14.341 13.443 14.588 14.197 13.679 13.607 13.053 13.660
Indonesian rupiah (8) 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.005 0.005 (Market Rate) c 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
Turkish lira (7) 23.060 21.067 17.558 13.547 12.105 11.124 10.932 11.110 10.912 10.261 9.731 9.239 9.324 During March 1992 to February 1993, a dual exchange rate system was prevalent, in which the official rate was fixed by the RBI and the market rate was determined in the The data for 2001-02 in respect of Deutsche mark, French franc and Italian lira pertain to 11 months only as Germany, France and Italy accepted the Euro as their
Canadian dollar (6) 49.945 51.113 50.261 53.300 53.285 54.251 54.184 55.912 55.602 56.472 55.510 55.588 56.761
Yen (5) 0.546 0.620 0.582 0.630 0.652 70.788 70.575 70.380 70.243 70.440 69.598 69.793 71.101 Figures of US dollar, Pound sterling, Euro and Japanese yen from May 2012 onwards are RBI's reference rates. Financial Benchmarks India Private Limited (FBIL) commenced dissemination of reference rates w.e.f. July 10, 2018.
Euroa (4) 72.289 73.609 75.438 80.958 78.800 82.749 82.475 85.251 85.929 88.336 86.664 86.515 87.720 1999. 1, Indicative rates announced by Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India (FEDAI).
Pound sterling (3) 98.726 87.690 85.513 91.786 90.159 94.633 93.022 94.881 94.929 98.077 95.309 95.406 97.895 January on The peso was revalued in January 1993, 1000 Old Peso = 1 New Peso. Turkish Lira has been replaced by New Lira w.e.f. January 1, 2005.
US dollar (2) 65.468 67.072 64.455 69.923 70.897 76.236 75.660 75.727 74.993 74.672 73.482 73.458 74.220 India of Bank existence into came lira Inter-Bank market for the US dollar. currency w.e.f. March 1, 2002.
Year /Months (1) 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 April May June July August September October November Reserve Source: Notes: Euro The : a b : c : Turkish 100 : d e : 1. 2. 3. 4.