Page 827 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 827
A 82 | Economic Survey 2020-21 Volume 2
Table 6.1 A. Foreign Exchange Reserves (Contd....)
(` crore)
Reserves Transactions with IMF
End of Gold RTP SDRs Foreign Total Drawals Repurchases g Outstanding
Fiscal Currency repurchase
Assets obligations
Tonnes ` crore ` crore SDRs in ` ` crore ` crore
Million crore (3+4+6+7)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
2018-19 613 159585 20657 1049 10076 2665564 2855882 1253 7069 ...
2019-20 653 230527 27013 1045 10800 3333815 3602155 1159 5066
Source: Reserve Bank of India. SDRs: Special Drawing Rights, RTP: Reserve Tranche Position in IMF, ---: Nil or Negligible.
Notes: a. Excludes ` 544.53 crore drawn under Trust Fund.
b. Drawals under Extended Fund Facility (EFF).
c. Drawals of ` 1883.6 crore under Compensatory and Contingency Financing Facility and ` 1450.2 crore under First Credit Tranche of Stand-by Arrangement.
d. Drawals of ` 2217.2 crore under Compensatory and Contingency Financing Facility and ` 987.5 crore under First Credit Tranche of Stand-by Arrangement.
e. Includes voluntary repurchases of Rupees (` 199 crore) and sales of Rupees (` 35.2 crore) by the IMF under its General Resources Account.
f. Sales of Rupees by the IMF.
g. Additionally, SDR 59.9 million in May 1979, SDR 7.3 million in July 1980 and SDR 34.5 million in March 1982 were used for voluntary repurchases of Rupees.
h. SDR 66.50 million were used for repurchases of drawals under Compensatory Financing Facility.
i. SDR 33.25 million and Rs. 117.85 crore in foreign currencies were used for repurchases of drawals under CFF.
j. SDR 66.5 million and SDRs 131.25 million were used for repurchases of drawals under CFF and EFF, respectively.
k. SDR 431.25 million were used for repurchases of drawals under EFF.
l. SDR 704.17 million were used for repurchases of drawals under EFF.
m. SDR 804.18 million were used for repurchases of drawals under EFF.
n. SDR 681.25 million were used for repurchases of drawals under EFF.
o. SDR 468.75 million were used for repurchases of drawals under EFF
p. SDR 337.49 million were used for repurchases of drawals under EFF.
q. SDR 237.49 million were used for repurchases of drawals under EFF.
r. SDR 95.84 million were used for repurchases of drawals under EFF.
s. SDR 812.77 million were used for repurchases of drawals under EFF.
t. SDR 1130.48 million were used for repurchases of drawals under EFF.
u. SDR 678.38 million were used for repurchases of drawals under EFF.
v. SDR 449.29 million were used for repurchases of drawals under EFF.
w. SDR 212.46 million were used for repurchases of drawals under EFF.
1. Figures after 1965-66 are not comparable with those of the earlier years owing to devaluation of the Rupee in June 1966.
2. Also figures for July 1991 onwards are not comparable with those of earlier periods due to the downward adjustment of the Rupee effected on July 1, 1991 and July 3,
3. Drawals, Repurchase and outstanding repurchase obligations are calculated at the ruling rates of exchange.
4. While reserves pertain to end period, repurchases are for the relevant periods.
5. Gold is valued at Rs. 53.58 per 10 grams up to May 1966 and at Rs. 84.39 per 10 grams up to September 1990 and closer to international market price w.e.f. October
17, 1990.
6. Foreign exchange includes (a) foreign assets of the Reserve Bank of India and (b) Government balances held abroad up to 1955-56.
7. Foreign Currency Assets exclude investment in foreign currency denominated bonds issued by IIFC (UK), SDRs transferred by Government of India to RBI and
foreign currency received under SAARC SWAP arrangement.
8. Totals may not tally due to rounding off.