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Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix

                             STATISTICAL APPENDIX : ECONOMIC SURVEY 2021-22

             Table                                                                                 Page No.
             8.13  Infant Mortality Rates (per 1000 livebirths) across states and UTs of India ..........................................................................  187
             8.14  Under Five Mortality Rates (per 1000 livebirths) across states and UTs of India .................................................................  188
             8.15  Children under 5 years who are stunted (height-for-age)  (%) across states and UTs of India ..............................................  189
             8.16  Children under 5 years who are wasted (weight-for-height) (%) across states and UTs of India ..........................................  190
             8.17  Children under 5 years who are underweight (weight-for-age) (%) across states and UTs of India ......................................  191
             8.18  Total Fertility Rate (Children per women) across states and UTs of India .............................................................................  192
             9.0   HIGH FREQUENCY INDICATORS (HFIs) (New Addition)
                   Set 1- Monthly HFIs
             9.1                                                                                     195
                   (Power Consumption, E-way bills (Volume), GST, CPI, CPI Food, CPI Core, Rail Freight Traffic, Port Cargo Traffic) ...........................
                   Set 2- Monthly HFIs
             9.2   (Domestic Air Traffic, UPI (Volume), IIP General Index, 8-Core Industries, Domestic Tractor Sales, Domestic Passenger Vehicles Sales,   198
                   Two Three Vehicle Sales) .............................................................................................................................................................
                   Set 3- Monthly HFIs
             9.3   (10 year G-Sec yield, 10 year AAA Corporate Bond yield, Average Crude Oil Price (Brent, Dubai, WTI), Indian Crude Oil Basket Price,   201
                   Baltic Dry Index, Forex Reserves, Sensex, Nifty, Nifty VIX) ............................................................................................................
                   Set 4- Monthly HFIs
             9.4   (Exchange Rate, Net purchase (+)/sale (-) of US dollar, Fuel Consumption, M3, Currency in Circulation, Merchandise Exports,   204
                   Merchandise Imports) ..................................................................................................................................................................
                   Set 5- Monthly HFIs
             9.5   (New EPF Subscribers, Members exited, Exited members who rejoined and resubscribed, Net payroll addition) .....................................  207
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