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10      |    Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix

                          Table 1.4:  Nominal Gross Value Added at Basic Prices by Industry of Origin
                                                                                                     (` crore)
                                                     At current prices
             Year            Agriculture, Manufacturing,       Trade,     Financing,       Public  Gross value
                               forestry &  construction,       hotels,    real estate   administartion,  added at
                                 fishing,   electricity, gas  transport &      and    defence and   basic prices
                                 mining      and water   communication  professional   other services  (2 to 6)
                           and quarrying        supply                      services
             (1)                     (2)           (3)            (4)           (5)          (6)         (7)
                                                      2011-12 Series
             1950-51                5302          1501            700          1854          928        9809
             1951-52                5483          1680            761          1989          968       10356
             1952-53                5346          1580            764          2115         1002       10213
             1953-54                5881          1740            811          2276         1045       11121
             1954-55                5022          1830            835          2442         1073       10447
             1955-56                4875          1965            867          2615         1141       10615
             1956-57                6187          2312            999          2820         1199       12672
             1957-58                6081          2399           1113          3019         1263       12955
             1958-59                7043          2608           1217          3233         1344       14492
             1959-60                7085          2923           1307          3468         1480       15222
             1960-61                7481          3478           1436          3730         1673       16664
             1961-62                7752          3797           1557          3791         1812       17585
             1962-63                7952          4180           1711          4332         1975       18803
             1963-64                9335          4777           1908          4682         2194       21489
             1964-65               11361          5353           2218          5066         2490       25105
             1965-66               11374          5814           2406          5446         2768       26287
             1966-67               13206          6511           2784          5824         3097       29921
             1967-68               16494          7141           3172          6370         3471       35162
             1968-69               17017          7771           3406          6806         3744       37081
             1969-70               18621          8897           3676          7278         4085       40779
             1970-71               19207          9659           4044          7865         4499       43379
             1971-72               19634         10684           4383          8574         4987       46153
             1972-73               21584         11799           4831          9335         5458       50769
             1973-74               28341         13691           5734         10285         6135       62219
             1974-75               31268         17053           7537         11426         7717       73236
             1975-76               31257         18567           8541         12715         8687       77783
             1976-77               32081         21100           9340         13996         9535       83611
             1977-78               37875         23861          10472         15228        10357       95426
             1978-79               39017         26879          11559         16410        11397      102558
             1979-80               40716         30052          13270         17850        12771      111912
             1980-81               51189         34686          15500         19574        14643      133745
             1981-82               59385         40510          19030         22823        16669      156592
             1982-83               64742         44872          21856         26148        19436      174939

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