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8     |    Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix

                            Table 1.3: Real Gross Value Added at Basic Prices by Industry of Origin
                                                                                                     (` crore)
                                                     At constant prices
             Year              Agriculture, Manufacturing,      Trade,    Financing,       Public Gross value
                                forestry &   construction,       hotels,  real estate   administartion,  added at
                                   fishing,   electricity, gas  transport &     and    defence and  basic prices
                                   mining      and water  communication  professional   other services  (2 to 6)
                             and quarrying        supply                    services
             (1)                       (2)           (3)            (4)         (5)           (6)        (7)
                                                       2011-12 series
             1982-83               678705         350565        174636       184410        149417    1487737
             1983-84               742154         380406        183528       202640        154901    1604580
             1984-85               753609         397385        192314       217685        166651    1668141
             1985-86               759861         414383        207617       237276        176920    1737565
             1986-87               766830         434896        220119       260673        191078    1812537
             1987-88               759447         460197        231545       280372        206183    1876600
             1988-89               878715         497804        245208       306917        218848    2067262
             1989-90               896069         539607        263379       338627        236397    2194056
             1990-91               939527         577004        276949       362985        244997    2310015
             1991-92               927985         576839        283674       398267        251022    2343059
             1992-93               982118         597458        299592       422524        265664    2468738
             1993-94              1012169         633646        320310       466768        277246    2608995
             1994-95              1066097         691412        352062       484021        282013    2775834
             1995-96              1068399         774174        398928       519383        302294    2978143
             1996-97               1159707        829254        431132       548626        323309    3215638
             1997-98               1149580        857191        463590       603182        353520    3353964
             1998-99              1216189         894481        499078       648033        389849    3578123
             1999-00              1251357         949982        557814       734098        437092    3864524
             2000-01              1255564        1011518        594216       768017        455047    4024831
             2001-02              1323123        1038870        644974       813332        472520    4241595
             2002-03              1264769        1112244        699168       866484        487752    4406074
             2003-04              1365910        1200125        777798       916538        510018    4757084
             2004-05              1385053        1321033        852704       985969        547742    5092503
             2005-06              1454707        1455520        933382      1079656        590962    5514228
             2006-07              1501776        1669312       1019769      1159462        608048    5958367
             2007-08              1582155        1812065       1093027      1249684        661365    6398296
             2008-09              1572216        1902062        1119630     1314529        765778    6674215
             2009-10              1576526        2077732        1188847     1399529        889203    7131837
             2010-11              1728167        2226276       1328622      1465064        956385    7704514
             2011-12              1762983        2373988        1413116     1530877       1025982    8106946
             2012-13              1786897        2458558        1551143     1680031       1069646    8546275
             2013-14              1872305        2561081       1652062      1867407       1110794    9063649

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