Page 716 - ES 2020-21_Volume-1-2 [28-01-21]
P. 716

Social Infrastructure, Employment and Human Development  343

               7   Report of the Steering   2001   Dr. S. P.      Labour laws to be modernised and made
                   Committee on Labour             Gupta,         more harmonious. State Governments
                   & Employment for                Member,        maybe permitted to amend labour laws as
                   Tenth Five Year Plan            Planning       per their requirements, keeping in view the
                   (2002-07)                       Commission     safety  requirements  of  workers. Pension
                                                                  and unemployment benefit for unorganized
                                                                  workers to be considered.

               8   Special Group on        2002    Dr. S. P.      State  Governments  may  be permitted  to
                   Targeting 10 million            Gupta,         amend labour laws as per their requirements,
                   Employment Opportu-             Chairman,      but keeping in view safety requirements of
                   nities per year                 Planning       workers. Pension and unemployment benefit
                                                   Commission     for unorganized workers to be considered.
                                                                  Avoid disproportionate  regulatory  burden
                                                                  on  small  scale  units.  Self  certification
                                                                  by Units and random inspection  may be
               9   Second National Com-    2002    Shri Ravindra  Existing set of Central  labour laws be
                   mission on Labour               Varma          grouped  into  four  or  five  broad  groups
                                                                  pertaining  to industrial relations, wages,
                                                                  social security, safety and welfare & working
                                                                  conditions  and  so on.  The  Commission
                                                                  opined,  “… in an attempt to rationalize
                                                                  labour laws, we could,  with  advantage,
                                                                  group the existing  labour laws into well-
                                                                  recognised  functional  groups. While  the
                                                                  ultimate object must be to incorporate all
                                                                  such  provisions  in  a  comprehensive
                                                                  Code, such a codification may have to be
                                                                  done in stages and what we have proposed
                                                                  is  hopefully  the  first  step’.Labour code
                                                                  should also lay down a floor of substantive
                                                                  labour rights or standards such as minimum
                                                                  wages, maximum hours of work, minimum
                                                                  standards of safety and health at workplace
                                                                  etc as a form of basic law which would be
                                                                  applicable to all workers. Need for National
                                                                  Floor Level  Minimum  Wage (NFLMW)
                                                                  applicable to all employments. States to fix
                                                                  Minimum Wages above NFLMW.
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