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342     Economic Survey 2020-21   Volume 2

                                Box 5: Chronology of Labour Reforms post 1991

               S.    Name of Commis-       Year     Chairman/                Recommendations
              No.    sion/ Committee /             Organization
               1   National Commission     1991    Prof. C. H.    Made    recommendations   for   specific
                   on Rural Labour                 Hanumantha     categories of workers, definition of migrant
                                                   Rao            workers to cover all migrants, recommended
                                                                  a minnimum wage of ` 20 per day at 1990
               2   Simplification, Ration-  1994   National       Recommended the Indian Labour Code
                   alization  and Consoli-         Labour Law     1994.This Code was extensively quoted by
                   dation of Labour laws           Association    the Second National Commission on Labour.
               3   Ninth Five  Year Plan   1997-   Planning       Existing labour laws cover a small segment
                   Vol-2, Human & Social   2002    Commission     of workforce.Ninth Plan aims at reducing
                   Development                                    the number of laws, with the objective that
                                                                  a smaller number of laws reach the entire
               4   Mitra Committee         1997    Shri Mitra     Major recommendations  in IR  Act,
                                                                  definition of workman should have no nexus
                                                                  with wages drawn by workman, and should
                                                                  be made uniform in all labour legislations.
               5    Commision on Re-       1998    Shri P. C. Jain,  Endorsed  recommendations  of  Mitra
                   view of Adminstrative           Retd. Secy to   Committee.  IR  Act be renamed as
                   Laws, Vol-I & II                Govt. of India  Employment Relations Act inorder to shift
                                                                  the  focus from disputes to measures  for
                                                                  harmonious relations.  Amend Contract
                                                                  Labour  Act to  enable  engagement  of
                                                                  contract labour in all peripheral and seasonal
               6   Report of the Task      2001    Dr. Montek.    To increase share of organized sector in total
                   Force on Employment             S. Ahluwalia   employment problem of labour laws need
                   Opportunities                                  to be addressed. Deletion of Chapter VB of
                                                                  Industrial Disputes Act. Introduce short term
                                                                  employment contracts where workers can be
                                                                  hired on contract basis by paying premium
                                                                  wage. Introduce “strike ballot” -a strike can
                                                                  be called only if supported by a qualifying
                                                                  majority of workers. Timelimit for three years
                                                                  for filing industrial disputes. Amendment of
                                                                  Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition)
                                                                  (R&A)  Act, to allow outsourcing of
                                                                  peripheral activities from specialized firms.
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