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Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix  |       17

                              Table 1.6: Components of Gross Domestic Product at Current Prices
                                                                                                     (` crore)
             Year            PFCE      GFCE    GFCF         CIS   Valu-  Export of  Import of  Discrepan-  GDP
                                                                  ables  goods and  goods and   cies
                                                                          services  services
             (1)                (2)       (3)     (4)       (5)     (6)       (7)      (8)       (9)     (10)
                                                       2011-12 Series
             1982-83        145225     19659    40612     7961       na    11563    15736     -16029   193255
             1983-84        170032     22713    46296     1059       na    13139    17675     -10489   225074
             1984-85        188144     26116    52582     6156       na    15846    19484     -17172   252188

             1985-86        207650     31100    62038    13210       na    14951    21754     -22661   284534
             1986-87        232914     36772    72909    10076       na    16543    22359     -28488   318366
             1987-88        258551     43167    88453     5006       na    20281    25259     -28334   361865
             1988-89        301067     49825   101209    11639       na    25913    32010     -28280   429363

             1989-90        336274     57041   121232    11268       na    34609    40212     -26935   493278
             1990-91        386426     65017   150262     7225       na    40635    48698     -24757   576109
             1991-92        443834     73370   162812     3683       na    56254    56249     -21444   662260
             1992-93        500443     83085   190980    17893       na    67312    73000     -25518   761196
             1993-94        573351     96383   207328     -8334      na    86147    85999       7117   875992

             1994-95        666285    107235   240029    30326       na    101607   104710    -13203  1027570
             1995-96        767962    127072   303046    48409       na    130733   144953    -26686  1205583
             1996-97        900426    144097   342076    -24626      na    144854   161022     49011  1394816
             1997-98        987626    170426   391733     5295       na    165203   184333      9344  1545294

             1998-99        1130880   211079   451205     -8567      na    195280   224745     17165  1772297
             1999-00        1272676   242081   547470    52139    15919    227697   265702   -104018  1988262
             2000-01        1363941   255670   556836    -22475   15104    278126   297523     -9794  2139886
             2001-02        1485156   272306   693006    -15118   14553    290757   311050   -114366  2315243
             2002-03        1571086   282017   706220    33511    14317    355556   379981    -90112  2492614

             2003-04        1717511   303721   791259    44744    25206    417425   436878    -70457  2792530
             2004-05        1859274   331528   978463    97715    42112    569051   625945    -65867  3186332
             2005-06        2084067   376511  1189715   127267    42459    712087   813466    -86516  3632125

             2006-07        2387270   417059  1428913   179339    50990    904872  1040535    -73279  4254629
             2007-08        2731519   483112  1754352   245703    54973   1018907  1219109   -170795  4898662
             2008-09        3125246   581108  1914401   130195    74075   1328765  1614040    -25597  5514152
             2009-10        3562634   729569  2161499   218438   119311   1298780  1647139    -76684  6366407
             2010-11        4177954   840373  2536936   333451   167035   1710193  2050182    -81288  7634472

             2011-12        4910447   968375  2997733   207983   253033   2143931  2715554    -29620  8736329
             2012-13        5614485  1062404  3324973   214524   273775   2439707  3108428    122573  9944013
             2013-14        6475650   1156509  3515621  144621   161761   2856781  3191811    114389 11233522

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