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P. 638

Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix  |       189

              Table 8.15: Children under 5 years who are stunted (height-for-age)  (%) across states and UTs of India

             States/UTs             NFHS-1 (1992-93)  NFHS-2 (1998-99)  NFHS-3 (2005-06)  NFHS-4 (2015-16) NFHS-5 (2019-21)*
             (1)                               (2)           (3)            (4)            (5)            (6)
             Andhra Pradesh                                 38.6           42.7           31.4           31.2
             Arunachal Pradesh                53.9          26.5           43.3           29.4           28.0
             Assam                            52.2          50.2           46.5           36.4           35.3
             Bihar                            60.9          53.7           55.6           48.3           42.9
             Delhi                            43.2          36.8           42.2           31.9           30.9
             Goa                              32.5          18.1           25.6           20.1           25.8
             Gujarat                          48.2          43.6           51.7           38.5           39.0
             Haryana                          46.7          50.0           45.7           34.0           27.5
             Himachal Pradesh                               41.3           38.6           26.3           30.8
             Jammu and Kashmir                40.8          38.8           35.0           27.4           26.9
             Karnataka                        47.6          36.6           43.7           36.2           35.4
             Kerala                           27.4          21.9           24.5           19.7           23.4
             Madhya Pradesh                                 51.0           50.0           42.0           35.7
             Maharashtra                      48.5          39.9           46.3           34.4           35.2
             Manipur                          33.6          31.3           35.6           28.9           23.4
             Meghalaya                        50.8          44.9           55.1           43.8           46.5
             Mizoram                          41.3          34.6           38.8           28.1           28.9
             Nagaland                         32.4          33.0           38.8           28.6           32.7
             Odisha                           48.2          44.0           45.0           34.1           31.0
             Punjab                           40.0          39.2           36.7           25.7           24.5
             Rajasthan                        43.1          52.0           43.7           39.1           31.8
             Sikkim                                         31.7           38.3           29.6           22.3
             Tamil Nadu                                     29.4           30.9           27.1           25.0
             Tripura                          46.0                         35.7           24.3           32.3
             Uttar Pradesh                    59.5          55.5           56.8           46.3           39.7
             West Bengal                                    41.5           44.6           32.5           33.8
             Chhattisgarh                                                  52.9           37.6           34.6
             Jharkhand                                                     49.8           45.3           39.6
             Uttarakhand                                                   44.4           33.5           27.0
             Telangana                                                                    28.0           33.1
             Andaman and Nicobar (UT)                                                     23.3           22.5
             Chandigarh (UT)                                                              28.7           25.3
             Dadra  and  Nagar  Haveli  &                                                 37.2           39.4
             Daman Diu (UT)
             Lakshadweep (UT)                                                             26.8           32.0
             Puducherry (UT)                                                              23.7           20.0
             Ladakh (UT)                                                                                 30.5

            Source :   NFHS reports, MoH&FW
            Note:    * Survey done over two years,
                    In NFHS-5, Jammu & Kashmir is Union Territory excluding Ladakh (UT)
                    As per WHO stunting refers to low height for age. (Under NFHS, a child is considered stunted if s/he falls below 2 standard deviations.)
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