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Economic Survey 2021-22 Statistical Appendix | 59
(` crore) 2021-22 ( BE) (11) 1788424 1545396 243028 2929000 809701 335361 212028 1140576 1694812 13000 175000 1506812 554236 1976424 3483236 na na 1506812 697111
2020-21 (PA) (10) 1632094 1424035 208059 3086360 682079 689544.61 205747 1454266 1879087 19729 37897 1821461 424821 1689720 3511181 na na 1821461 1139382
2019-20 (9) 1684059 1356902 327157 2350604 612070 228341 207572 666545 1002271 18316 50304 933651 335726 1752679 2686330 na na 933651 321581
2018-19 (8) 1552916 1317211 235704 2007399 582648 196496 195572 454483 762197 18052 94727 649418 307714 1665695 2315113 na na 649418 66770
Table 2.3: Receipts and Expenditure of the Central Government
2017-18 (7) 1435233 1242488 192745 1878835 528952 191183 186129 443602 706742 15633 100045 591064 263140 1550911 2141975 n.a n.a 591064 62112
2016-17 (6) 1374203 1101372 272831 1690584 480714 204025 165410 316381 600991 17630 47743 535618 284610 1439576 1975194 568,599 1,410,669 535618 54904
2015-16 (5) 1195025 943765 251260 1537761 441659 241833 145937 342736 595748 20835 42132 532791 253022 1257992 1790783 471,083 1,319,700 532791 91132
2014-15 (4) 1101473 903615 197858 1466992 402444 258258 136807 365519 562201 13738 37737 510725 196681 1152948 1663673 462644 1201029 510725 108281 $: Does not include receipts in respect of Market Stablization Scheme, which will remain in the cash balance of the Central Government and will not be used for expenditure
2013-14 (3) 1014724 815854 198870 1371772 374254 254632 124374 357048 544723 12497 29368 502858 187675 1056589 1559447 453327 1106120 502858 128604
2012-13 (2) 879232 741877 137355 1243514 313170 257079 111277 364282 531140 15060 25890 490190 166858 920182 1410372 413625 996747 490190 177020 BE:Budget Estimates RE: Revised Estimates PA: Provisional Actuals na : not available
Revenue Receipts (a+b) Tax Revenue (net of States' share) Non-tax Revenue Revenue Expenditure Interest Payments Major Subsidies Defence Expenditure Revenue Deficit (2-1) Capital Receipts Recovery of loans Other receipt (mainly PSU disinvestment) Borrowings and other liabilities $ Capital expenditure Non-Debt Receipts [1+4(a)+4(b)] Total Expenditure [2+5=7(a)+7(b)] Plan Expenditure Non-plan Expenditure Fiscal Deficit [7-1-4(a)-4(
(1) of which: of which: of which:
(a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) Notes:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9