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60      |    Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix

                  (As per cent to GDP)  2021-22 (BE)  (11)  8.0  6.9  1.1  13.1  3.6  1.5  1.0  5.1  7.6  0.1  0.8  6.8  2.5  8.9  15.6  -  -  6.8  3.1

                     2020-21 (PA)  (10)  8.3  7.2  1.1  15.6  3.5  3.5  1.0  7.4  9.5  0.1  0.2  9.2  2.2  8.6  17.8  -  -  9.2  5.8

                     2019-20   (9)  8.3  6.7  1.6  11.6  3.0  1.1  1.0  3.3  4.9  0.1  0.2  4.6  1.6  8.6  13.2  -  -  4.6  1.6
               Table 2.4: Receipts and Expenditure of the Central Government as a percentage of GDP

                     2018-19  (8)  8.2  7.0  1.2  10.6  3.1  1.0  1.0  2.4  4.0  0.1  0.5  3.4  1.6  8.8  12.3  -  -  3.4  0.4

                     2017-18  (7)  8.4  7.3  1.1  11.0  3.1  1.1  1.1  2.6  4.1  0.1  0.6  3.5  1.5  9.1  12.5  0  0  3.5  0.4

                     2016-17  (6)  8.9  7.2  1.8  11.0  3.1  1.3  1.1  2.1  3.9  0.1  0.3  3.5  1.8  9.4  12.8  3.7  9.2  3.5  0.4

                     2015-16  (5)  8.7  6.9  1.8  11.2  3.2  1.8  1.1  2.5  4.3  0.2  0.3  3.9  1.8  9.1  13.0  3.4  9.6  3.9  0.7

                     2014-15  (4)  8.8  7.2  1.6  11.8  3.2  2.1  2.1  2.9  4.5  0.1  0.3  4.1  1.6  9.2  13.3  3.7  9.6  4.1  0.9 $: Does not include receipts in respect of Market Stablization Scheme, which will remain in the cash balance of the Central Government and will not be used for expenditure

                     2013-14  (3)  9.0  7.3  1.8  12.2  3.3  2.3  1.1  3.2  4.8  0.1  0.3  4.5  1.7  9.4  13.9  4.0  9.8  4.5  1.1

                     2012-13  (2)  8.8  7.5  1.4  12.5  3.1  2.6  1.1  3.7  5.3  0.2  0.3  4.9  1.7  9.3  14.2  4.2  10.0  4.9  1.8

                        (1)                                     Other receipt (mainly PSU disinvestment)  Source: Union Budget documents and Controller General of Accounts  BE:Budget Estimates                             RE: Revised Estimates               PA: Provisional Actuals
                           Revenue Receipts (a+b)  Tax Revenue (net of States' share)  Non-tax Revenue  Revenue Expenditure  of which:  Interest Payments  Major Subsidies  Defence Expenditure  Revenue Deficit (2-1)  Capital Receipts  of which:  Recovery of loans  Borrowings and other liabilities $  Capital expenditure  Non-Debt Receipts [1+4(a)+4(b)] Total Expenditure [2+5=7(a)+7(b)]  of which:  Plan Expenditure  Non-plan Expenditure  Fiscal Deficit [7-1-4(a)-4(b)]  P

                           1  (a)  (b)  2  (a)  (b)  (c)   3  4  (a)   (b)  (c)   5  6  7  (a)  (b)  8  9  Notes:
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