Page 510 - economic_survey_2021-2022
P. 510
Economic Survey 2021-22 Statistical Appendix | 61
Table 2.5: Outstanding Liabilities of the Central Government
( ` crore)
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
1. Internal liabilities # 4893303 5484848 6045007 6691709 7207802 7985087 8813554 9947702 11739638 13155558
(a) Internal debt 3764566 4240767 4738291 5304835 5741709 6401275 7074941 8020490 9936385 11357415
i) Market borrowings 2984309 3441641 3891734 4298784 4649487 5068408 5500141 5986127 7145123 8099331
ii) Others 780257 799126 846557 1006051 1092222 1332867 1574800 2034363 2791261 3258084
(b) Other Internal 1128737 1244081 1306716 1386874 1466093 1583812 1738613 1927212 1803253 1798143
2. External 177289 184581 197514 210262 228258 250090 269961 299250 382829 427925
debt(outstanding) *
3. Total outstanding 5070592 5669429 6242521 6901971 7436060 8235177 9083515 10246952 12122467 13583484
liabilities (1+2)
4. Amount due from 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Pakistan on account of
share of pre-partition debt
5. Net liabilities (3-4) 5070292 5669129 6242221 6901671 7435760 8234877 9083215 10246652 12122167 13583184
Memorandum items
(a) External debt @ 332004 374483 366384 406589 408069 445289 474817 544782 614447 658665
(b) Total outstanding 5225307 5859331 6411391 7098298 7615871 8430376 9288371 10492484 12354085 13814223
(c) Internal liabilities 4396810 4984590 5540570 6139580 6651613 7312612 8032148 8952346 10499282 11852202
(Non-RBI) ##
(d) Outstanding 4728814 5359073 5906761 6546166 7059682 7757901 8506965 9497128 11113729 12510867
liabilities (Non-RBI) ##
(e) Contingent liabilities 233769 249503 294700 343762 366189 380173 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
of Central Government
(f) Total assets 2080649 2253627 2555131 2877973 3165559 3563364 4073804 4625938 5131193 5499235
(As per cent of GDP)
1. Internal liabilities 49.2 48.8 48.5 48.6 46.8 46.7 46.7 48.9 59.5 59.0
a) Internal debt 37.9 37.8 38.0 38.5 37.3 37.5 37.5 39.4 50.3 51.0
i) Market borrowings 30.0 30.6 31.2 31.2 30.2 29.7 29.1 29.4 36.2 36.3
ii) Others 7.8 7.1 6.8 7.3 7.1 7.8 8.3 10.0 14.1 14.6
b) Other Internal 11.4 11.1 10.5 10.1 9.5 9.3 9.2 9.5 9.1 8.1
2. External 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.9 1.9
debt (outstanding) *
3. Total outstanding 51.0 50.5 50.1 50.1 48.3 48.2 48.1 50.4 61.4 60.9
liabilities (1+2)
Source: Union Budget documents and CAA&A
* : External debt figures represent borrowings by Central Government from external sources and are based upon historical rates of
@ : The external debt figures at current exchange rates are taken from Controller of Aid, Account and Audit Division, Ministry of
## : This includes marketable dated securties held by the RBI
BE: Budget Estimates