Statistical Tables
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Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 0.1 Selected Indicators: 1950-51 to 1999-2000    
1.   National Income and Production

Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.1 Gross National Product and Net National Product
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.2 Annual Growth Rate of Gross National and Net National Product
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.3 Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of Origin (At 1993-94 Prices)
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.4 Gross Domestic Savings and Gross Domestic Capital Formation (At Current Prices)
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.5 Gross Domestic Savings and Gross Domestic Capital Formation (As per cent of GDP at Current Market Prices)
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.6 Annual Growth Rates of Real Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Industry of Origin (At 1993-94 Prices)
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.7 Net State Domestic Product at Current Prices (New Series)
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.8 Per Capita Net State Domestic Product at Current Prices (New Series)
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.9 Index Numbers of Agricultural Production
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.10 Index Numbers of Area under Principal Crops
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.11 Index Numbers of Yield of Principal Crops
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.12 Production of Major Crops
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.13 Gross Area Under Major Crops
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.14 Yield per Hectare of Major Crops
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.15 State-wise Production of Foodgrains
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.16 Progress of Selected Agricultural Development Programmes
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.17 Irrigated Area Under Different Crops
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.18 Net Availability of Cereals and Pulses
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.19 Net Availability, Procurement and Public Distribution of Foodgrains
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.20 Per Capita Availability of Certain Important Articles of Consumption
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.21 Production, Imports and Consumption of Fertilizers
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.22 Production of Major Livestock Products and Fish
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.23 Production of Coal and Lignite
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.24 Progress of Electricity Supply (Utilities & Non-Utilities)      
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.25 Pattern of Electricity Consumption (Utilities)
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.26 Operations of Indian Railways
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.27 Revenue - Earning Goods Traffic on Indian Railways
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.28 Operations of Road Transport
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.29 Growth of Civil Aviation
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.30 Commodity Balance of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.31 Production of Selected Industries
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 1.32 Index of Industrial Production
2.   Budgetory Transactions
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.1 Gross Capital Formation From Budgetary Resources of the Central Government
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.2 Budgetary Transactions of the Central and State Governments and Union Territories
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.3 Total Expenditure of the Central Government
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.4 Plan Outlay by Heads of Development: Centre, States and Union Territories, 1961-80
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.5 Sixth Plan Outlay by Heads of Development: Centre, States and Union Territories, 1980-85
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.6 Plan Outlay by Heads of Development: Centre, States and Union Territories, 1985-92
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.7 Eighth Plan Outlay by Heads of Development: Centre, States & Union Territories, 1992-97
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.8 Eighth Plan Outlay by Heads of Development: Centre, States and Union Territories, 1992-97 (Percentage    

Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.9 Ninth Plan Outlay by Heads of Development: Centre, States and Union Territories, 1997-2002 and Annual Plans
           1997-98 to 2000-01

Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.10 Financing of Central and State Annual Plans, 1999-2000 and 2000-2001
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.11 Projected Financing Pattern of Public Sector Outlay in the Eighth Plan : 1992-97
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.12 Overall Financing Pattern of the Public Sector Outlay During the Ninth Plan : 1997-2002
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.13 Financial Performance of Indian Railways
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.14 Financial Performance of the Department of Posts
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 2.15 Financial Performance of the Department of Telecommunications
3. Employment
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 3.1 Employment in the Public Sector by Industry
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 3.2 Employment in the Private Sector by Industry
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 3.3 Estimates of Employment in Organised Public and Private Sectors
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 3.4 Per Capita Emoluments of Public Sector Employees and the Consumer Price Index
4. Monestary Trends
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 4.1 Sources of Change in Money Stock (M3)
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 4.2 Scheduled Commercial Banks: Seasonal Flow of Funds
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 4.3 Scheduled Commercial Banks: Variation in Selected Items
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 4.4 Scheduled Commercial Banks: Outstanding Advances Against Sensitive Commodities
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 4.5 Branch Extension of Public Sector Banks and Other Commercial Banks
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 4.6 Advances to Agricultural and Other Priority Sectors by Public Sector Banks
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 4.7 State-wise Distribution of Bank Offices, Aggregate Deposits and Total Credit of Public Sector Banks and         
           Percentage Share of Advances to Priority Sectors

Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 4.8 Financial Assistance Sanctioned and Disbursed by All-India Financial Institutions
5. Prices                                                
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 5.1 Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 5.2 Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices - Selected Commodities and Commodity Groups
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 5.3 All India Consumer Price Index Numbers
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 5.4 Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices - Relative Prices of Manufactured and Agricultural Products
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 5.5 Minimum Support Price/Procurement Price for Crops (Crop year basis)
6. Balance of Payments
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 6.1(A) : Foreign Exchange Reserves
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 6.1(B) : Foreign Exchange Reserves
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 6.2 Balance of Payments
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 6.3(A) : Balance of Payments - Invisibles on Current Account
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 6.3(B) : Balance of Payments - Invisibles on Current Account
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 6.4(A) : Balance of Payments - Selected Items of Capital Account
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 6.4(B) : Balance of Payments - Selected Items of Capital Account
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 6.5 Exchange Rate of Rupee vis-a-vis Selected Currencies of the World
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 6.6 Trends in Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rates of Rupee
7. Foreign Trade
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 7.1 (A) : Exports, Imports and Trade Balance
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 7.1 (B) : Exports, Imports and Trade Balance
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 7.2 (A) : Principal Imports
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 7.2 (B) : Share and Percentage Change of Major Imports
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 7.3 (A) : Principal Exports
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 7.3 (B) : Share and Percentage Change of Major Exports
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 7.4 (A) : Direction of Trade
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 7.4 (B) : Direction of Trade
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 7.5 India's Share in World Exports by Commodity Divisions and Groups
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 7.6 Index Numbers of Foreign Trade
8. External Assistance
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 8.1 (A) : Overall External Assistance
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 8.1 (B) : Overall External Assistance
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 8.2 (A) : Authorization of External Assistance by Source
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 8.2 (B) : Authorization of External Assistance by Source
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 8.3 (A) : Utilization of External Assistance by Source
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 8.3 (B) : Utilization of External Assistance by Source
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 8.4 (A) : India's External Debt
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 8.4 (B) : India's External Debt
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 8.5 (A) : Interest Rates on Deposits Under [NR(E)RA] Schemes
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 8.5 (B) : Interest Rates on Deposits Under (FCNRA) Schemes
                                                         9. Population Census 1991
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 9.1 Population of India - 1991
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 9.2 Features of Population of India - 1991
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 9.3 Selected Indicators of Human Development for Major States
Abox3.gif (4275 bytes) 9.4 Source of Income of All Educational Institutions

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