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154      |    Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix

                  (`  crore)  End   Septem-  ber   2021 P  (14)  746803  723052  339257  383795  11869  1863  10019  1097  8922  4391002

                           2021 (PR)  (13)  742995  714863  344758  370106  12467  1955  13710  1282  12429  4162575

                           2020   (12)  805708  764291  389010  375281  12990  1822  26605  1357  25248  4197651

                           2019  (11)  749924  708379  362982  345397  12003  1820  27721  1529  26193  3754872

                           2018  (10)  664575  652969  431225  221744  580  1791  9235  1782  7453  3441960

                           2017  (9)  571387  560781  364104  196677  260  1577  8768  1575  7194  3055095
               Table  7.2(A). India's  External  Debt Outstanding

                    End-March       2016  2015  (8)  (7)  553044  535145  530806  510938  339674  334267  191132  176671  132  7307  714  714  21392  16186  1197  939  20195  15247  3219283  2971542

                           2014  (6)  550985  491271  330500  160771  33686  572  25456  892  24564  2682214                NRO Deposits are included under NRI Deposits from the quarter ended June 2005. Supplier’s Credits upto 180 days and FII investment in short-term debt instruments are included  under short-term debt from the quarter ended March 2005. Vostro balances / Nostro overdrafts of commercial banks, balances of foreign central banks/international institutio

                           2013  (5)  525931  472026  321010  151016  29671  447  23787  985  22802  2224734 Source: Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs), Ministry of Defence, Reserve Bank of India, Securities & Exchange Board of India .            Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs) and net investment  by 100% FII debt funds and securitized borrowings of commercial banks        RBI and investment in T-bills/securities by foreign central banks/

                           2012  (4)  399962  333202  200454  132748  48066  326  18368  871  17497  1844167

                                                                              D.C.          Also includes India Development Bonds (IDBs), Resurgent India Bonds (RIBs), India Millennium Deposits (IMDs),  FCCB debt has been  adjusted since end-March, 1998 after netting out conversion into equity and redemptions.
                           2011  (3)  290149  261006  157806  103200  24214  225  4704  693  4011  1419407  Washington

                           2010  (2)  236188  214267  126391  87876  15153  467  6301  3139  3162  1178638  Corporation,        1996.       Rupee denominated debt owed to Russia and payable  through exports.

                    Components of External Debt  (1)  Short-Term Debt  a) Trade-Related Credits        1)  Above 6 Months       2)  Upto 6  Months  b) FII Investment in Govt.   Treasury Bills and other   c) Investment in Treasury Bills  by foreign central banks and  other international institutions   d) External Debt Liabilities of:     1) Central Bank     2) Commercial banks  Grand Total( VIII+IX )  PR: Partially Revised; QE : Quick Estimates.    Finance  Internation

                    Sl.   No.    IX.            instruments   etc.  X.        IFC(W):  Notes:  Includes
                                                                                      a:   b:  c:   d:   e:
   598   599   600   601   602   603   604   605   606   607   608