Page 606 - economic_survey_2021-2022
P. 606

Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix  |       157

                 (US$ million)  End   September   2021  (14)  141555  952  895  58  492492  100573  97374  45688  51686  1598  251  1349  148  1202  593065  51205  9  Contd....

                       2021 (PR)  (13)  141895  975  913  62  468531  101081  97254  46903  50351  1696  266  1865  174  1691  569612  51798  9

                       2020  (12)  130581  1022  958  64  451559  106878  101384  51603  49781  1723  242  3529  180  3349  558437  48913  9

                       2019  (11)  130423  1158  1084  74  434697  108415  102409  52476  49934  1735  263  4008  221  3787  543112  47466  8.7

                       2018  (10)  126182  1213  1120  83  427117  102173  100389  66297  34091  89  275  1420  274  1146  529290  48324  9.1

                       2017  (9)  116867  1228  1141  87  382888  88124  86489  56155  30333  40  243  1352  243  1110  471012  44077  9.4
               7.2(B). India's  External  Debt Outstanding

                       2016  (8)  126929  1278  1189  89  401288  83504  80022  51208  28814  20  238  3225  180  3045  484791  43526  9.0

                    End-March  2015  (7)  115163  1506  1407  99  389177  85498  81631  53405  28226  1167  114  2586  150  2436  474675  41916  8.8

                       2014  (6)  103845  1468  1361  107  354500  91678  81743  54992  26751  5605  95  4235  148  4087  446178  46454  10.4

                       2013  (5)  70822  1258  1133  125  312677  96697  86787  59021  27766  5455  82  4373  181  4192  409374  45518  11.1

                       2012  (4)  58608  1354  1216  138  282587  78179  65130  39182  25948  9395  64  3590  170  3420  360766  48063  13.3

                       2011  (3)  51682  1601  1437  164  252901  64990  58463  35347  23116  5424  50  1053  155  898  317891  47499  14.9

                       2010  (2)  47890  1658  1487  171  208606  52329  47473  28003  19470  3357  103  1396  695  701  260935  43931  16.8

                              NRI Depositsd (Above   one year Maturity)   Rupee Debte  a) Defence  b) Civilian  Total Long Term Debt   (I TO VII)  Short-Term Debt       1)  Above 6 Months       2)  Upto 6  Months  b) FII Investment in   other instruments   c) Investment in   central banks and other   d) External Debt   Liabilities of:     1) Central Bank     2) Commercial banks  Memo Items :  Concessional Debtf  Concessional Debt to   total external debt (per

                           (1)                       a) Trade-Related Credits   Govt. Treasury Bills and   Treasury Bills by foreign   international institutions   Grand Total     (VIII+IX)

                    End-  March  VI.  VII.    VIII.  IX.                    etc.         X.          cent)
   601   602   603   604   605   606   607   608   609   610   611