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Economic Survey 2021-22  Statistical Appendix  |       37

                                           Table 1.15: Production of Major Crops
                                                                                               (Million Tonnes)
             Group/Commodity       2011-12  2012-13  2013-14  2014-15  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19  2019-20  2020-21*
             (1)                      (2)    (3)    (4)     (5)    (6)     (7)    (8)    (9)     (10)  (11)
             Foodgrains a           259.3  257.1  265.0   252.0  251.6   275.1  285.0  285.2    297.5  308.6
                Kharif              131.3  128.1  128.7   128.1  125.1   138.3  140.5  141.5    143.8  149.6
                Rabi                128.0  129.1  136.4   124.0  126.5   136.8  144.6  143.7    153.7  159.1
             Cereals b              242.2  238.8  245.8   234.8  235.2   252.0  259.6  263.1    274.5  282.9
                Kharif              125.2  122.2  122.7   122.3  119.6   128.7  131.2  133.4    135.9  140.9
                Rabi                117.0  116.6  123.1   112.5  115.7   123.2  128.4  129.7    138.6  142.1
             Nutri / Coarse Cereals c  42.0  40.0  43.3    42.9   38.5   43.8    47.0   43.1     47.7  51.1
                Kharif               32.4   29.8   31.2    30.9   28.2   32.4    34.0   31.4     33.6  36.5
                Rabi                  9.6   10.3   12.1    11.9   10.4    11.3   12.9   11.7     14.1  14.7
             Pulses d                17.1   18.3   19.3    17.2   16.4   23.1    25.4   22.1     23.0  25.7
                Kharif                6.1    5.9    6.0     5.7    5.5    9.6     9.3    8.1     7.9   8.7
                Rabi                 11.0   12.4   13.3    11.4   10.8   13.6    16.1   14.0     15.1  17.0
             Rice                   105.3  105.2  106.6   105.5  104.4   109.7  112.8  116.5    118.9  122.3
                Kharif               92.8   92.4   91.5    91.4   91.4   96.3    97.1  102.0    102.3  104.4
                Rabi                 12.5   12.9   15.1    14.1   13.0   13.4    15.6   14.4     16.6  17.9
             Wheat                   93.5   93.5   95.8    86.5   92.3   98.5    99.9  103.6    107.9  109.5
             Jowar                    6.0    5.3    5.5     5.5    4.2    4.6     4.8    3.5     4.8   4.8
                Kharif                3.3    2.8    2.4     2.3    1.8    2.0     2.3    1.7     1.7   1.8
                Rabi                  2.7    2.4    3.1     3.2    2.4    2.6     2.5    1.7     3.1   2.9
             Bajra                   10.3    8.7    9.3     9.2    8.1    9.7     9.2    8.7     10.4  10.9
             Maize                   21.8   22.3   24.3    24.2   22.6   25.9    28.8   27.7     28.8  31.5
             Tur                      2.7    3.0    3.2     2.8    2.6    4.9     4.3    3.3     3.9   4.3
             Gram                     7.7    8.8    9.5     7.3    7.1    9.4    11.4    9.9     11.1  12.0
             Oilseeds e              29.8   30.9   32.7    27.5   25.3   31.3    31.5   31.5     33.2  36.1
                Kharif               20.7   20.8   22.6    19.2   16.8   21.5    21.0   20.7     22.2  24.0
                Rabi                  9.1   10.2   10.1     8.3    8.6    9.8    10.5   10.8     11.0  12.1
             Groundnut                7.0    4.7    9.7     7.4    6.7    7.5     9.3    6.7     10.0  10.2
                Kharif                5.1    3.2    8.1     5.9    5.4    6.0     7.6    5.4     8.4   8.6
                Rabi                  1.8    1.5    1.7     1.5    1.4    1.4     1.7    1.3     1.6   1.7
             Rapeseed and Mustard     6.6    8.0    7.9     6.3    6.8    7.9     8.4    9.3     9.1   10.1

             Sugarcane              361.0  341.2  352.1   362.3  348.4   306.1  379.9  405.4    370.5  399.3
             Cotton f                35.2   34.2   35.9    34.8   30.0   32.6    32.8   28.0     36.1  35.4
             Jute and Mesta g        11.4   10.9   11.7    11.1   10.5    11.0   10.0    9.8     9.9   9.6
                Jute                 10.7   10.3   11.1    10.6    9.9   10.4     9.6    9.5     9.4   9.1
                Mesta                 0.7    0.6    0.6     0.5    0.6    0.5     0.4    0.3     0.4   0.4
             Plantation Crops
                Tea                   1.0    1.0    1.2     1.2    1.2    1.3     1.3    1.4     1.4   1.3
                Coffee                0.3    0.3    0.3     0.3    0.3    0.3     0.3    0.3     0.3   0.3
                Rubber ^              0.9    0.9    0.8     0.6    0.6    0.7     0.7    0.7     0.7   0.7
             Potato                  46.6   45.3   41.6    48.0   43.4   48.6    51.3   50.2     48.6  54.2

            Source : Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
            a  Includes cereals and pulses;
            b Includes rice, wheat and nutri coarse cereals;     ^ 2020-21 - Provisional;
            c  Includes maize, jowar, ragi, bajra, small millets and barley;
            d Includes tur, urad, moong, gram, lentils and other pulses;
            e  Includes groundnut, rapeseed & mustard, sesamum, linseed, castorseed, nigerseed, safflower, sunflower and soyabean;
            f  Bales of 170 Kgs.;        g Bales of 180 Kgs.;
            * Agricultural Crops as per 4th Advance estimates and Horticultural Crops as per 3rd Advance Estimates;
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