Expenditure Profile

Introductory NotesPDFPDF File -
Summary of ExpenditurePDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Statement of Major Variations of Expenditure between BE 2019-20 and RE 2019-20 PDFPDF File -
Statement of Major Variations of Expenditure between RE 2019-20 and BE 2020-21 PDFPDF File -
Expenditure of Ministries and DepartmentsPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Centrally Sponsored SchemesPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Central Sector SchemesPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Other Central ExpenditurePDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Other TransfersPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Transfer to Union Territories with LegislaturePDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Allocation under the object head Grants for creation of Capital AssetsPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Statement on Subsidies and Subsidy related schemesPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Departmental Commercial Undertakings: Net Budgetary Support for Revenue ExpenditurePDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Grants in Aid to Private Institutions/Organisations/Individuals (Actuals 2018-2019)PDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Allocation for Welfare of Scheduled CastesPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Allocation for Welfare of Scheduled TribesPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Allocation for the North Eastern RegionPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Allocation for the Welfare of ChildrenPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Gender BudgetPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Expenditure 'Charged' on the Consolidated Fund of IndiaPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Statement showing position of Major Reserve Funds operated in the Public AccountPDFPDF File -
Budget Provisions by Head of AccountPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Reconciliation between Expenditure shown in Demands for Grants, AFS and Expenditure Profile Statement 16PDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Part-II - States
Transfer of Resourses to States and Union Territories with LegislaturePDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Part-III-External Sector
Externally Aided ProjectsPDFPDF File -
Grants and Loans to Foreign GovernmentsPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Contributions to International BodiesPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Part-IV-Establishment and Public Enterprises
Estimated strength of Establishment and provisions thereforPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Budget Provisions under "Grant-in-aid Salaries"PDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Assistance given to Autonomous/Grantee BodiesPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Resources of Public EnterprisesPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Investment in Public EnterprisesPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Extra Budgetary Resources (Government fully serviced bonds)PDFPDF File -
Part V - Railways Statements
Overview of Receipts and ExpenditurePDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Railway ExpenditurePDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Railway ReceiptsPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Investment: Part A Financials (Budget + IEBR)PDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Investment: Part B Physical TargetsPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Investment: Part C Revenue Earning Traffic Performance TargetsPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File
Railway Reserve FundsPDFPDF File EXCELEXCEL File